- Two brothers, one passion -
Two brothers, one passion. Powerful stage presence, sensible joy of playing and a congenialness. And most of all: One realises the tight team play, due to some 400 gigs played. There goes nothing over practicing.

Some people have accused him of being interested in nothing but drums and singing. "That's quite true" confirms the lead singer and drummer, without so much as raising an eyebrow. He lives music with every bone in his body, driving producers and sound technicians to distraction as he hears subtleties in the mix that are to be fine tuned without compromise.

Phil Daniels
dru, voc

“Michael the Machine” would be a suitable nickname for this bundle of energy. Not only is he a keen sportsman but also has an affinity for taking risks. And yet, there is another side to Michael: he can spend hours alone with just his guitar, writing songs. Suddenly, the action man becomes a sentimental songwriter.

Michael Stevens
gui, voc

With Lucas Mo on piano and Hammond and Fab O'Lous on bass the four of them groove more than ever before. Night-long rehearsals pay off: They are not only one with their instruments, but a well-rehearsed team that is always looking forward to the next gig!
bas, key, b-voc

And what about the history of the band? You find more informations here: Highlights